
Automation is coming – how will you survive?

Our Sogetilabs expert Bartek Rohard Warszawski blogs on how will this AI revolution influence software development, and therefore the developer and IT-architect.

How AI will disrupt the developer and IT-architect; and what can they do about it?

You might be in your 20s, 30s, or 40s and surfing on the wave of brand new technology with no fear of “what’s to come”. We know that AI (Artificial Intelligence) with its Machine Learning and Cognitive Automation is surfacing below the deep unknown waters and that they will disrupt the industries within the transport, fast food, and farming sectors. We even know that the disruption will not only influence the blue-collar workers, but almost every job profile is also affected by accountants, lawyers, medical practitioner up to data scientists already in touch with AI. The questions we will treat here are, how will this AI revolution influence software development, and therefore the developer and IT-architect? What should you expect from the upcoming world of the 2020s and how should you prepare for it?

Read the entire blog post and interact with Bartek on SogetiLabs website.

  • Bartek Rohard Warszawski
    Bartek Warszawski
    Test Engineer | Denmark
    +45 5218 9398