Agenda & Speakers

Our Quality Engineering and Testing lead actors from around the Sogeti world will share insights, new ground-breaking accelerators and trends. Here you find the agenda of TestExpo Norway 2024 and the speakers attending.

08.00 – 08.30

08.30 – 08.35
Morten Løvstad, CEO, Sogeti Norway, Gro-Synne Ingebricson, CSO, Sogeti Norway and Mark Buenen, Head of Global Digital Assurance and Testing Sogeti Global/Capgemini Group

08.35 – 08.45
Latest global developments in the field of Quality Engineering and Testing
Mark Buenen, Head of Global Digital Assurance and Testing Sogeti Global/Capgemini Group

Our top expert globally sharing the very latest trends that is affecting companies, organisations and the quality and testing community.  

08.45 – 09.15
Creating a Quality Engineering culture within your team 
Ian Glenn Chandler, Agile Quality Coach, Sogeti Netherlands

Quality is something that every team wants to achieve in their product. And in the teams we have the tester for maintaining the quality. But within Agile ways of working, teams are responsible for maintaining the quality, not only the tester. Therefore we need a Quality Engineering culture within the team. But how do we create such culture? In this presentation, Ian Glenn Chandler will share his story how he created a Quality Engineering culture in his team. He will share his lessons learned and takeaways of his journey.

Key takeaways of this presentation:

  • What the benefits are of having a Quality Engineering culture
  • Lessons learned of creating a Quality Engineering culture
  • Role of the tester in a Quality Engineering culture

09.15 – 09.35

09.35 – 10.10
Improving your Test Automation feedback loop

Tim de Groot, Test Automation Expert, Sogeti Netherlands

Test Automation (TA) is essential for maintaining quality and efficiency in today's fast-paced development environment. However, merely implementing TA isn't enough. You must get your team involved. But how can we achieve this integration effectively? In this session Tim de Groot will share his journey of revolutionizing the Test Automation feedback loop within his team.

Key takeaways of this presentation:

  • You understand what the 3 main elements of a feedback loop are and how to implement it
  • You will see an innovative way to make TA accessible to your team
  • You will learn to improve the quality of the feedback that TA delivers

Join this session to innovate your way of working with Test Automation!

10.10 – 10.40
Autonomous Testing with AI

Avraaj Matharu, AI/ML Alchemist, Technical Automation Architect, DevOps Engineer, Sogeti UK

The presentation dives into a concrete case study highlighting the transformation of test automation using AI for a healthcare public sector client. The presentation provides an overview of the client's challenges, the AI-powered Test Automation solution implemented (benefits included 5x to 10x faster testing speed, 50% less maintenance, coverage of over 90% of application flows, and no need for specialist skillsets), the implementation journey, the results and impact, and the innovative aspects of the project.

10.40 – 11.00

11.00 – 11.10
Be Curious. Try AI.
Michael Hallbäck Sciaronne, Senior Test Engineer, Sogeti Norway

Curiosity is the key to exploring, learning, and developing both as a person and a professional tester. In "Be Curious. Try AI" Michael talks about what curiosity is and why it is so important in general, in testing and as a consultant. He will share examples of what he has learned through curiosity throughout his career. Michael will show how curiosity becomes even more important and powerfull when combined with Artificial Intelligence. "Be Curious. Try AI" is a playfull experience where the audience is reminded of how fun curiosity can be and how inspiring it is to combine curiosity and Artificial Intelligence in Testing and in general.

11.10 – 11.50
Grand premiere! GenAI Amplifier for better quality and faster delivery

Wouter Ruigrok, Agile Quality Coach, Sogeti Netherlands

Generative AI such as ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and others are "the talk of the town." We are convinced that GenAI will change everyone's life.

This will also impact how we do our work as testers. What will that mean for you? We will discuss the skills you need as a tester to apply GenAI effectively in your daily work and how to get the most out of the technology. In this presentation, Wouter Ruigrok will premiere the GenAI Amplifier and how it effectively supports testers' work, and he will give a sneak peek into what's coming next. One thing is sure: developments with GenAI are moving at lightning speed.

Key takeaways of this presentation:

  • What  GenAI will mean for testers
  • How GenAI can support our quality and testing work
  • What is the Sogeti GenAI Amplifier and how  it improves software development

Do you want to know how your work will change in the near future? Get inspired in this interactive session!

11.50 – 12.00
TestExpo Awards 
Gro-Synne Ingebricson, CSO, Sogeti Norway and Mark Buenen, Head of Global Digital Assurance and Testing Sogeti Global/Capgemini Group

As a great way to end the event we will be announcing the winners in our 4 TestExpo Awards categories – Superstar, Valuemaker, Hero and Energizer. Maybe you will be one of the winners!


  • Morten Løvstad
    Morten Løvstad
    CEO, Sogeti Norway
    +47 95 25 76 94
  • Gro-Synne Ingebricson
    Gro-Synne Ingebricson
    CSO, Sogeti Norway
    +47 91 51 05 51
  • Mark Buenen
    Mark Buenen
    Head of Global Digital Assurance and Testing
    +31 6 55 82 29 66
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