The Great AI Experiment

The Great AI Experiment

Download the full report "The Great AI Experiment" by SogetiLabs, to learn more about the impact and potential of articial intelligence to society and bussiness.

This report by SogetiLabs ,"The Great AI Experiment", provides an in-depth analysis on the impact of artificial intelligence to society and business, and the various order effects of the further spread of AI. For example, we are dealing with the consumerization of AI: we see that AI applications are increasingly integrated into our daily lives and work. They also describe the potential of machine creativity, and its influence on business processes and innovation, but also warn of the unforeseen effects of an abundance of artificial intelligence.

Download the report here

The report was launched togehter with  the report "The rise of the Experience Ecology" under the theme of Scarcity in Abundance - the two reports describe a future where an abundance of artificial intelligence, and a scarcity of physical resources, coincide (such as water, metals, a stable climate, and biodiversity). The paradox that arises from this presents organizations and society with a major dilemma: using artificial intelligence to stimulate economic growth leads to more scarcity of physical resources. We see both the tumultuous growth of the economy in recent decades, and the recent explosion in the use of AI, as a major social experiment and the reports delve in to the major issues of our time.