TestExpo 2023

TestExpo Norge 2023 feat. SogetiLabs

Sogeti sitt arrangement TestExpo er tilbake! For første gang tar stjerner fra SogetiLabs, vårt globale ekspertgruppering, over arrangementet, både på scenen og i Master Classes.

I Sogeti er vi verdensledende innen Quality Engineering & Testing. Med over 30 000 sertifiserte eksperter globalt i gruppen vår, kombinert med sterke metoder og akseleratorer, sikrer vi kvaliteten og bærekraften på kundenes agile transformasjon, øker hastigheten på kvalitetsvalidering, bruker AI-validering  og injiserer automatisering på tvers av hele livssyklusen.

Som Norges største IT-konsulentselskap innen Quality Engineering & Testing deler vi jevnlig vår kompetanse. Vårt største arrangement er TestExpo, som vi har arrangert i Norge og i flere andre land hvor Sogeti er representert, gjennom mange år. Her kan du utvide både kunnskap og nettverk med andre som også brenner for testing og kvalitetssikring i alle former.

Hva skjer på TestExpo Norge 2023?

Vi byr på flere nyheter i årets utgave av TestExpo. For første gang tar SogetiLabs, vår globale ekspertgruppering med våre beste stjerner, over arrangementet. De kommer til oss for å inspirere og imponere oss med de aller siste nyhetene innen Quality Engineering & Testing. Nytt er også at du kan velge mellom tre 1-timers Master Classes for å gjøre deg bedre kjent med ulike tema.

Vi har også en ekstra ekstern speaker! Hør Karianne Kristiansens populære foredrag over temaet: "Det er en bedrager blant oss". Et foredrag for alla som er redd for å bli avslørt som en bedrager. Og for alle som jobber med de.

Nytt fra fjoråret var også at vi knytter arrangementet vårt til TestExpo Awards, alle med mål om å gi velfortjent synlighet til Norges testere. Det vil vi fortsette med i år også. Vinnerne kåres på TestExpo. 

Og sist, men ikke minst, i vår tilhørende interaktive minimesse vil det være fullt fokus på å teste alt fra testverktøy (facts) til black box-testing (fun). 

Hvis du ikke kan delta på vårt fysiske arrangement i Oslo, kan du også registrere deg for å se det livestreamet med oss på enkelte av våre andre kontorer i Norge, denne gang i Sandefjord eller Trondheim. Merk at vi ikke livestreamer Masterclasses kl. 10:30 – 11:30.


Når og hvor

Dato: 14. november 2023. 
Tid: Masterclasses kl. 10.30-11.30, TestExpo kl. 12.00-16.00 og Afterwork 16.00-17.00
Sted: Rebel, Universitetsgata 2 i Oslo


Arrangementet er gratis.

Deltakelse TestExpo Norge - sted*
Deltakelse Master Class i Oslo kl. 10.30-11.30:*
Lunsj i Oslo
Deltakelse After Work i Oslo*
Jeg ønsker å bli fakturert for mat og drikke:*


Key takeaways for deg fra TestExpo

Møt likesinnede QA og testentustiaster.

Finn ut hvordan Testing og QA kan bidra til løsninger.

Fyll din testverktøykasse med ny kunnskap til fordel for deg og din organisasjon.

Få innsikt i de seneste trendene og hva som rører seg i markedet.

Utvid ditt nettverk!

Om TestExpo™

TestExpo™ samler 300 fagfolk innen test og IT og skaper et nettverk og en plattform hvor alle test og QA interesserte kan møtes.  Konferansen planlegges og gjennomføres av Sogetis medarbeidere som brenner for test og QA.


Master Classes
Les mer under fanen Master Classes!
Merk at vi ikke livestreamer Masterclasses kl. 10:30 – 11:30.



Morten Løvstad & Gro-Synne Ingebricson

Generative AI applied to Quality Engineering and Testing

Antoine Aymer

How is GenAI reshaping Quality Engineering & Testing? Discover Sogeti's platform vision, the nuances of prompt engineering, and practical use cases. Dive into our hands-on experimentation approach and understand QE&T's evolving role with GenAI.

Four concepts of Quality for DevOps teams

Rik Marselis 

In todays high-performance IT delivery, cross-functional teams have to collaborate closely to create the right quality at the right moment to deliver business value to the customers. In this presentation Rik Marselis (author of the TMAP book “Quality for DevOps teams”) describes how teams can do this. Based on various models (such as the VOICE model), specific concepts (like quality engineering), collaboration models (cross-functional teams) and approaches (for test design). Also he will briefly show various TMAP templates that enable an easy way for team members to do the right things in the right way. (such a template will be used in the workshop about the quality engineering strategy, and the templates also are part of the TMAP training courses).


Software Quality as a Science
Fredrik Scheja

What happens with the profession when algorithms help us design, develop and test the software we develop? When quality assurance has turned into quality engineering and beyond? Let me take you on an inner journey that many of us can embark on already today. A journey towards a future when we embrace the full complexity of software development to its core and how that is going to affect our craft, how we think, talk and act.

Key take outs:

  • The definition of a complex system, why it is applicable and how to approach it
  • What we can learn from more mature science areas to trigger new mental models
  • How to be able to make professional predictions regarding software quality in a complex setting
  • Why we should make friends with data scientists and why this will become a fruitful partnership

Quality Coaching Challenges and Lessons learned
Emna Ayadi

Quality coaching is a role that challenges and actively supports a team or organization to build a quality collaborative approach. Starting in this role for the first time hide various challenges and difficulties. Emna shares challenges she faced and solutions to overcome them.


Universell utforming 101
Camilla Tran

En kort innføring til universell utforming og hvordan teste det.

Scarcity in Abundance: From Real Fake to Real Smart
Sander Duivestein

Dive into a world where artificial intelligence (AI) blurs the lines between reality and fiction, illustrated through a hip-hop styled Pope to fabricated images of world leaders. This presentation unveils how AI's creations ignite opportunities and debates from boardrooms to tech giants, challenging our notions of 'smartness.' "From Real Fake to Real Smart" invites you to look beyond tech glamor and reflect on true smartness amidst ecological challenges. Engage in a vital discussion on altering our course as a climate crisis unfolds amidst digital delusions. Together, let's dissect if we're smart enough to tackle the profound challenges of our era.

Sander Duivestein, Research Director at SogetiLabs, will inspire you on how to write the future you want and explore some of the technologies that will help you get there.


Det er en bedrager blant oss
Karianne Kristiansen

Et foredrag for alla som er redd for å bli avslørt som en bedrager. Og for alle som jobber med de. Karianne har jobbet som utvikler i SpareBank 1 Utvikling i litt over tre år. Selvom hun er ansatt som fullstackutvikler, er det frontend og UU hun finner mest engasjerende. I løpet av de siste årene har også psykisk helse på arbeidsplassen blitt et område hun ønsker å sette fokus på.

TestExpo Awards Vinner 2023
Gro-Synne Ingebricson

Vi deler ut premier til vinnerne i våre fire kategorier; Valuemaker, Superstar, Hero og Energizer!

After Work med musikkquiz

Kort introduksjon til våre foredragsholdere:


Antoine Aymer, Global CTO in Quality Engineering at Sogeti, is a seasoned leader in the technology industry with a deep understanding of market trends and innovations. Known for leading the 2022 research "State of AI applied to Quality Engineering & Testing", he's a passionate advocate for AI's potential in enhancing software quality. With significant contributions to publications like the “2019 Continuous Testing Report” and the “Mobile Analytics Playbook”, and over 100 global presentations, Antoine aims to empower software practitioners. His tenure at Mercury Interactive and Hewlett Packard has solidified his reputation as a force for agility in the industry. An MBA holder and believer in "Digital Happiness", Antoine's leadership is marked by continuous learning and a collaborative spirit. 


Rik Marselis is principal quality consultant at Sogeti in the Netherlands. He is a highly regarded presenter, trainer, author, consultant and coach who supported many organizations and people in improving their quality engineering & testing practice by providing useful tools & checklists, practical support and having in-depth discussions. He was recently honored with the prestigious EuroSTAR Testing Excellence Award for his outstanding contributions to the field of software testing. Rik is an accredited trainer for TMAP, ISTQB and TPI certification training courses, but also, he has created and delivered many bespoke workshops and training courses. He is the chairman of the TMAP special interest group. Rik is a fellow of Sogeti’s global expert hub SogetiLabs. These R&D activities result in presentations, books, white-papers, articles, podcasts and blogs about IT in general and Quality Engineering & Testing in particular. He is a co-author of the TMAP book “Quality for DevOps Teams” and contributor to the www.TMAP.net body of knowledge for Quality Engineering & Testing.


Fredrik Scheja, is an experienced test and quality advisor at Sogeti in Sweden, with practical experience from a large number of test assignments. Fredrik is a verification and validation expert with a unique knowledge of test methods and software quality. Fredrik is an enthusiastic person and loves to constantly evolve together with people and organisations. He is an experienced conference speaker and course/seminar leader in various testing and quality assurance subjects. Fredrik is the one who wants to show that testing is fun and useful, by collecting and presenting valuable system information to various stakeholders. Fredrik is also part of the global expert network SogetiLabs and Lead Technologist.


Emna Ayadi is a Testing & Agile Quality Coach at Sogeti France and a SogetiLabs Fellow. Emna is a passionate software tester and details-oriented person who loves to analyze root cause, test and collaborate with diverse people and investigate issues. She has over seven years of experience on international projects in different business domains combined between functional, technical, quality coaching and management. She loves applying gamification in work related activities for better coaching experience full of fun and positivity. Emna is also an active blogger @ https://emnaayadi.com and Linkedin Learning Instructor.


Camilla Tran is a Senior Technical Tester at Sogeti Norway and a SogetiLabs member. She is passionate about Testing and Assurance in all shapes and forms, and is a frequent speaker at events.



Sander Duivestein, senior analyst at SogetiLabs based in the Netherlands, is a highly acclaimed and top-rated trendwatcher, an influential author, an acclaimed keynote speaker, a digital business entrepreneur, and a strategic advisor on disruptive innovations. His main focus is the impact of new technologies on people, businesses and society. 


Karianne har jobbet som utvikler i SpareBank 1 Utvikling i litt over tre år. Selvom hun er ansatt som fullstackutvikler, er det frontend og UU hun finner mest engasjerende. I løpet av de siste årene har også psykisk helse på arbeidsplassen blitt et område hun ønsker å sette fokus på.

Vil du benytte anledningen til å delta på en av våre 1-timers masterklasser før det offisielle Testexpo-programmet starter? Du kan velge å delta på en av disse tre som alle finner sted mellom 10.30 og 11.30. Merk at vi ikke livestreamer Masterclasses:

Create your own quality engineering strategy

Most testers know (and use) a test strategy. In today’s world of high-performance IT delivery, that is not enough. Introducing: the Quality Engineering Strategy. Such a strategy gives a clear and concise overview of the quality measures that the team will employ for the three basic parts of quality engineering: to build the right level of quality from the start, to get information about the quality level and the related risks, and to improve the quality whenever necessary. So this strategy is your guideline for effective and efficient work and collaboration of the team and its stakeholder.
In this workshop we will start with analysis of quality risks, then we will dive into quality measures and finally you will assign quality measures with the right intensity to your fundamental DevOps activities and test varieties.

Masterclass leder: Rik Marselis
Maks antall deltakere: Ubegrenset

Lego for Quality Engineering

In this workshop, we are going to play with Lego to learn about Quality Engineering practices and different testing levels. The focus will be toward the importance of build in quality into the product and testing early rather than testing at the end. Participants will have 3 products to build in different sprints, and every time we will focus on some terms and their importance in the software development lifecycle (eg. Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance testing .. )

Maks antall deltakere: 18 personer
Masterclass leder: Emna Ayadi

End-to-end Testing & Exploratory Testing

  • Deepdive into 2 Learning Objectives of the new TMAP training course:
    SAP End-to-end testing
  • Exploratory Testing -> after explaining the theory, the audience will get a "test object" to practice Exploratory Testing

Maks antall deltakere: 30 personer
Masterclass leder: Pepijn Paap


  • Morten Løvstad
    Morten Løvstad
    CEO, Sogeti Norway
    +47 95 25 76 94
  • Gro-Synne Ingebricson
    Gro-Synne Ingebricson
    CSO, Sogeti Norway
    +47 91 51 05 51
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Det er mange stjerner på testhimmelen i Norge
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